Sports Psychology

The Arc of Peak Performance delivers the important psychological essentials to complement the physical skills and strategies of your sport on the path to competitive excellence. The Arc offers a developmental approach to the psychology of sports and competition, providing a dependable foundation for the changes required at each stage to unlock peak performance. In this workbook you will discover a framework of the most important psychological concepts to structure your learning and improvement. Available at


Above the Court: A Mental Mastery Framework for Next Level Tennis provides the path to improving your psychological approach to learning, competing, and unlocking precious potential. This book is a must have for the tennis player or tennis coach who is serious about getting the greatest leverage out of the most important element of actualizing potential: the mind. Available at

Mindset, Carol Dweck

Parenting from the Inside Out, Daniel J. Siegel

No-Drama Discipline, Daniel J. Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson

The Role of the Father, Michael Lamb

A Secure Base, John Bowlby

Why Do They Act That Way? A Survival Guide to the

Adolescent Brain for You and Your Teen, David Walsh

The 8 Questions Series for Parents, Dr. John Panepinto

A Father's Path: On Fathers and Sons, the Space in Between and Beyond,

Dr. John Panepinto

Grit, Angela Duckworth

Raising Resilient Children, Brooks and Goldstein

The Power of Resilience, Brooks and Goldstein

Up Follows Down: Resilience in Everyday Living, Dr. John C. Panepinto (click thumb)


Raising Boys

Development and Personal Growth

Studies point to the leverage that psychological principles provide for success, well-being, and optimal performance. Above the Field of Playdraws from the growing literature on development, motivation, positive psychology, neuroscience (and more), delivered in a concise and practical format. This workbook will be an invaluable reference and tool for growth for years to come.


Books and Resources

The resources listed have been referenced in Dr. Panepinto's workshops, seminars, and speeches . All Books are available at AMAZON

Teaching the Male Brain, Abigail Norfleet James

The Wonder of Boys, Michael Gurian

Blog: A Father's Path by Dr. John C. Panepinto

​ John Panepinto, PsyD, LCMHCS, NCC